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Thread: Ban appeal

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Ban appeal

    Hi its Jammywanks (ID: 43863735) here. Sorry to have my first post as a ban appeal. But here it goes.

    I was playing TTP Battlefield 2 server ( 1am on a Thursday night.I got banned because... I'm not exactly sure. See, I know that on this server there is something I do that somehow breaks the squads on the opposite team. I use no hacks, no nothing dude I swear. The server rules say that I have to create a squad or join one, you can't do lone wolf, right? So I am the first to create a squad on a new round cause I like Alphasquad, squad 1. Well I do this on every server I play on, but it causes no problems.... Except for Texas team players servers.

    Exact list of players on the server:

    45772286 0 0 0 undefinedms

    =CDC= h7g6f5
    46848245 0 (-6) 0 0 (-3) undefinedms

    213892666 0 0 0 undefinedms

    {frm} WaterDumple
    199939758 0 (-4) 0 (-1) 0 (-1) undefinedms

    49285187 0 0 0 undefinedms

    80653727 0 0 0 undefinedms

    48055035 0 0 0 undefinedms

    43721645 0 (-2) 0 (-2) 0 (-1) undefinedms

    [3dGN] unKind-Bud
    47107007 0 0 0 undefinedms

    [SsT] Forgotten_Paradig
    71934244 0 (-2) 0 0 (-1) undefinedms

    {HRD} dex71
    62206473 0 (-2) 0 0 (-1) undefinedms

    129365744 0 0 0 undefinedms

    207388661 0 0 0 undefinedms

    49219675 0 (-1) 0 0 undefinedms

    [IRON] Duke.Nukem.201
    195241355 0 0 (-1) 0 undefinedms

    67010938 0 0 0 undefinedms

    43829497 0 0 0 undefinedms

    {HRD} kwajalein-44
    124686496 0 0 (-1) 0 undefinedms

    69901387 0 0 0 undefinedms

    39841965 0 0 0 undefinedms

    {HRD} SoySoldier
    73839109 0 0 0 undefinedms

    47910265 0 0 0 undefinedms

    ATRAP *)O(*SwIfTjEzTa*)
    72943418 0 0 0 undefinedms

    =CDC= nicodemushallin
    44783839 0 (+2) 0 (-3) 0 undefinedms

    Sorry, just trying to provide as much info as possible.

    I think I should be unbanned knowing that, I can tell you what may be causing the so called "squad bug" and there is a workaround for it. Also, I was following the server rules, I have a right to create a squad, am I correct? By simply creating a squad too fast on the start of a new round it breaks the squads on the other team. I didn't know man...

    I run SSD drives (x25-e's), they load fast, so I am usually the first one connected. Sorry, they are just that fast.

    Ok, so maybe I know what causes the squad bug, but I can prevent it, but its just the way I've been playing on all servers, I didn't know it was specifically doing it to yours for quite a while.

    Keep in mind I see that the server is possibly updated to 1.5.3 and it seems the patch did not address this bug at all ::)

  2. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Ban appeal

    I am your banning admin.

    You were banned for your comments made on 8/29, which insinuated that you were the cause of the squad bug, and that you were intentionally using some method to cause the bug:

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [19:09:19] *** SWAPPING TEAMS ***

    7 [IRON] Unorignal 1 Global [19:10:10] squad bug mec side

    6 jammywanks 2 Global [19:10:15] mec?
    33 RasorX 1 Global [19:10:15] pla

    7 [IRON] Unorignal 1 Global [19:10:37] we'll still wax that ass..

    6 jammywanks 2 Global [19:10:47] I'll bug your squads

    34 Mooserator 1 Global [19:14:19] PLA is sqaud bugged...
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [19:14:36] WARNING!!! ***** SERVER IS BEING RESTARTED FOR A SQUAD BUG ***** PLEASE RECONNECT *****

    6 jammywanks 2 Global [19:14:49] I bugged the squads

    6 jammywanks 2 Global [19:15:10] but that won't be fun
    6 jammywanks 2 Global [19:15:14] since I won't be able to bug them

    6 jammywanks 2 Global [19:15:26] but I bugged your squads

    <first server restart here>

    7 jammywanks 1 Global [19:20:39] *§1DEAD§0*how are those squads

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [19:21:03] BANNING!!! jammywanks Admin Decision

    <second server restart here>
    We were having a squad bug issue, and you insinuated that you were the one bugging out the squads. After a server restart, you rejoined, and the squads were once again bugged. I then banned you, restarted the server again, and the squads were not bugged thereafter.

    Additionally, you were banned again tonight while using a different hash, attempting to circumvent your first ban. Again, the squads became bugged after you and only you joined the server.

    It is demonstrably not true that creating a squad early and/or before the server switches teams causes the server-wide squad bug. If it were the case, half of our members would be causing the bug continually (as many of them load in well before the server has finished changing maps/ending rounds). Having the squad screen open before the server moves the teams does tend to cause the per-player stuck-in-squad bug, but not the server-wide bug. However, I do know there are hacks to do just about anything one's imagination can come up with, and would not be surprised in the least to find one that prevents squad creation on the opposing side (awful convenient that it only ever happens to the enemy team, eh?).

    Moreover, if you were indeed the cause of the bug, your aforementioned comments would indicate that not only were you aware of your role, you were actively using this knowledge to cause harm to the server. If that were the case, what possible reason do we have to allow you anywhere near our server ever again? Even if you made every promise in the book, there's absolutely no guarantee you wouldn't attempt to use the exploit whenever you felt like it, or got frustrated, or didn't like the map.

    • You made comments to the effect of actively harming the TTP server.
    • If your actions in creating squads quickly is the proximal cause of the server-wide squad bug, you have an unlimited and uncontrollable power over a glitch that inevitably results in a forced server restart, allowing you at any time to change up the server as you see fit. Not only that, but your previous actions have indicated that you are more than willing to actively engage said glitch for your own personal entertainment/benefit.
    • If your role in the server-wide squad bug is the result of a hack or other exploit of code, you're a dirty hacker and will never be unbanned anyway.
    • You attempted to circumvent your first ban with the use of a second CD-key.

    What possible defense do you have, what reason can you give, that I should even entertain putting up a vote for you? What does TTP stand to gain from unbanning you, other than more headaches and another player that must be endlessly scrutinized?


  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Ban appeal

    I had to reinstall my copy of Battlefield 2 because the 1.51 patch screwed up on install. I have two copies of BF2, the regular version, then I wanted all the expansions so I bought the whole "complete collection". That ended me up w/ two regular BF2 CD keys.

    Upon reinstalling I had used one of the 2 cdkeys. It just happened to be the second one this time. I didn't "buy the cd key off a site for 5 bucks". I actually have the CD version of BF2 and the DVD set. That explains my cd key issue.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Ban appeal

    Re: Ban appeal

    Wow there was a lot more to address than just your CDhash. Explain yourself or sit in banned land.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Ban appeal

    I have tried to explain in the game chat that the cause of the bug was due to a certain setting of the server. I was ignored everytime. I am trying to bring this to attention. Also I have seen the squad bug happen before when I know I did not create any squads during the round. Anyone can do this, which is the worst part of it. I am telling you now that it is cause by using no hacks, no other software. It really is simply caused by creating a squad as soon as the round starts. Simple as that.

    At this point I can tell you a workaround to this problem. I know I have pissed off a lot of people with this and I am sorry. I was trying to make a point that this is a bug in the game under certain server configurations/settings. I have said it before in the game chat months ago, occasionally and nobody seemed to listen to me. The reason why I now said that "I did it" was to see if ANYONE was listening to me. Well I guess they do see my chats. But in the past I was ignored.

    Again, I find it shocking that the 1.51 patch does not address this bug at all.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Ban appeal

    The reason you were "ignored" is because the server is not where TTP holds discussions. On the server, it's gametime. If you have a concern or something you would like to share with the administration or management of the server, the proper place to come is here, to the forums. Yelling "bomb" in a crowded airport to highlight what you perceive as lax security is only going to result in you getting a one-way ticket to a full cavity search (or in our case, exploiting a fault in the server to highlight said fault only gets you a ban).

    If you have real verifiable proof of what you say, and a viable workaround or fix, the administration would be more than happy to hear about it. You can PM any one of the people listed as Moderators on the BF2 board (including either me or chosen).


  7. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Ban appeal

    On the receipt of your proposal, I am putting a vote to the BF2 admins for consideration and discussion. This vote will last no more than 3 days. Check this thread for the results.


  8. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Ban appeal


    By unanimous vote of the BF2 admins, your ban is sustained. The evidence strongly supports you being able to cause/create/control the squad bug at will. Your workaround is vague and unimplementable, and your explanation for your procedure does not stand up to deductive reasoning.

    You may appeal this decision in no less than 30 days.


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