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Thread: Guess who got banned?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Guess who got banned?

    weird..I was banned. No problem. I guess Im not welcome here. I joined a squad helped cap a couple of flags in the attack was the beginning of the round and then POOF I was banned. Id love to hear the reason to why I was banned.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer TxKicker's Avatar
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    RE: Guess who got banned?

    BLacKJeSuS, please follow this link and read the format rules.

    Label your answers 1. 2. 3. and so on

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Guess who got banned?

    no problem...
    1. I have no idea...the map restarted and I was banned within 2 to 3 minutes. I didnt teamkill and I was in a squad. I wasnt given any orders or any further instructions by my squad leader. So I proceeded with the attack chopper in Fu She Pass to cap a couple of flags. After helping cap 2 flags I headed out to look for the Cobra to engage then my game was cut off and I was informed by a nice box that I was banned. I played about half the round previously..same map and I asked my squad leader if he needed any help. I was in the main base. He just said If I died to spawn on him so I was spotting out enemy planes and defending via IGLA. I also got in the cobra that round and helped take a few flags and attack a few more.
    2. Unknown
    3. I really cant say why I should be unbanned when I dont even know why I was banned to begin with.
    4. N/A I never do anything to get banned. Except for accidental teamkills, force teamkills which I have no control over. For the record Ive only been banned 13 times for over 2000 hrs played. Mostly for name violation (some people dont like my in game name).

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    Guess who got banned? Guess who got banned?

    RE: Guess who got banned?


    Thank you for taking the time to post. Your ban had nothing to do with your behavior tonight, as your ban was not only for you, but your entire clan. It has come to our attention that clan |SI| does not adhere to many of the values that we hold here on TTP.

    There is no question, you and your clanmates are good players, but in the limited time clan |SI| has played here, you have shown that you are not about TTP as much as you are about yourselves. This poses a problem to us.

    In the recent past, Serial Butcher has TK'ed. We normally ban for that. The only reason he was not banned, is that no one saw him.

    A few nights ago, HamburgerHelper and I flew together in the helo. His childish antics earned him a "kick" that night. You were there, and said nothing.

    You create squads only to leave them when our regulars join.

    In the short time that your clan has visited our server, several complaints have arisen about your clan's play style, and how you behave toward non-clan members. We care very much for our community and so far your clan seems not to.

    Your clan earned your ban tonight, not you. You just happened to be the one on the server.

    You will be given that chance to appeal your clan's ban if you wish and prove to us that your clan is not comprised of malcontents.

    Thank you,

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Guess who got banned?

    Our whole clan?

    Name 1 thing I did wrong since triggerhappy stole my APC

    From my point of view your clans "values" seem to be hippocritical, & self serving, "asshat stunts" pulled by smaktards like triggerhappy are not in my book "lofty values"

    Pulling stunts like stealing team members vehicles, ignored pleas to the admin, & get mad when some 1 is forced to take matters into their own hands doesn't qualify you to look down your nose @ any 1

    None of you are a bigger teamplayer than I IMO, & I would never lower myself to plead a case to impress you n00bs

    Sounds like somebody got "pwnt", or maybe some 1 is not happy not being "the star" in his own server anymore

    Trust me when I say this, there is absolutely NOTHING special about your server, or your clan, or your clans style of play, just another noob server, w/ a noob clan, & there are thousands just like yours, only reason I came was because BJ dragged me in here because he like your map rotation

    If you were tired of getting "pwned", you could have just asked us not to come back, & we would have gladly obliged, putting bans on our record was just vindictive, & indicitive of your low class, standards, morals, & "sexual orientation"

    btw you can stick your "statistical analysis" up your collective asses

    ps. Still wanna "face off" in a 10v10? We would "mop the floor" w/ you losers

    Edit: No shit, you guys really banned a guy for "pwning" you in a jet w/ the private bug????

    After all your posturing you guys are nothing but common "low life" stat padders who ban serious competition from your server


    Lieutenant General |SI|SERIALBUTCHER

    later n00bs

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Guess who got banned?

    Understandable, no hard feelings. Sometimes Hamberger can be VERY impatient. As the same with Serial...sometimes outspoken. If given the time you would have seen that we are teamplayers but you cant be perfect which it seems you expect of us and everybody that plays at TTP.

    Like the old saying a rotten apple spoils the bunch. We all have faults and sometimes you just have to accept that we are all human beings and bound to make mistakes. In banning a whole clan which ALL of the players may or may not be teamplayers TTP loses a lot of good playes as well. Name one clan that doesnt have one bad person in it..or a person they are iffy about? Just like we all have that drunk uncle or crazy sister. We all have members who sometimes dont hold up to standards ...hell even Admins who we have to let go because they messed up....its human nature.
    Whats ironic is that Hamberger hardly plays this game anymore.

    For the reason I create squads and leave them...Sometimes I like to be a squad member. You cant always lead if you cant follow.

    In the end it would be wrong if I were to have to walk on eggshells on the TTP server. We are all here to have fun and to play the game which is something we all have in common. I certainly wouldnt like it if someone were looking over my shoulder every step of that way. Be good guys and good luck.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer ***COMMANDER***'s Avatar
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    Guess who got banned? Guess who got banned?
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    RE: Guess who got banned?

    Hamburgerhelper's playstyle was pititfull......He and Ranger were in a chopper and Ranger missed a couple of targets......Hamburger started telling him how much he sucked.......Ranger flew next time and Hamburger was the copilot, Hamburger missed just about everything he shot at and they went down.....Chopper spawned and Hamburger got in and as Ranger tried to get back in, they are in the same squad might I add, Hamburger lifts off so Ranger can't get in, then dips back down like he is gonna pick him up and lifts back off, Does the about 3 more times and then flies off without him.......Taunted him.......Poor behavior.....

    Serial just tells you what he is like in his banned post.....Thinks he is better than everybody else......Like the JSG, he got banned for not answering Questions from an Admin and Has been a problem with Tk'ing for vehicles for some time, So your ignorant ass that thinks he knows everything just stuck his foot right back in his big lipped mouth again.
    Then says we banned him because he owned us, PLEASE....Why he thinks he is superior to the guys that play here is compatible with his attitude......

    Also, for his ignorance, let me clarify that we are not a clan. We are a community that host several clans. There is not one person that makes all the decisions. All decisions are made by the community, so your insults don't go directly to one person or even a couple but the whole community.

    We have also had members of the community join your squad and ask for orders and just get silence....Soon enough he got kicked out of your squad, no problem there......Next go around when it happened again, he tried to get coms with yall and yall the squad and created another one and instead of having 5 in a squad, it was just yalls 4, like you just wanted to be by yourselves....Which insinuates that yall are also on another channel like teamspeak or xfire and therefore were not communicating with anyone else that joins your squad......Thats not showing a genuine interest in helping other players......
    This banned forum was to clear up some complaints and maybe get yall to see where the problems or diffences were and maybe could be fixed if you had genuine interest in helping others. Post like serial's show his true colors.
    He seems to think he is a bf2 god and far superior to everone else because he has got his score up to LG status and by all of his post, its pretty obvious it has went to his head. He then says we are low life stat padders that ban competion, He is already calling himself competion, Guess he thinks he is the man and we are all trying to be as good as he thinks he is.....I haven't played with him much if any and If I had, I haven't noticed him, I guess he doesn't stand out like he thinks he does.....
    He also
    We don't care what a persons rank in game is.....Has absolutely nothing to do with how well a person can work as a team....
    He says somebody got owned and is not the star in their server anymore....That's just another uneducated statement from some dumb ass punk that just thinks he is the almighty.......
    We have had plenty of big ego chumps like him before and he is no diffent than all the other idiots that think they are the Man and in all reality, he is just the little boy,,,,,that just threw a tinter tantrum.
    Just like him saying he thinks nobody is a bigger teamplayer than himself and he would never lower himself to plead his case to some NOOBS.....Well sir, You can carry your Stupid ass down to chumpville where all the other I am Mr. BigBritches are and that's in the banned world where all the other loosers are hanging out argueing that they are better than everybody else in the bottom of the scum....Pure Stupidity

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Guess who got banned?

    Well said, Commander.... True colors always show up when they have to come to the forums. SB, you showed your ass in your post and poorly represented your clan.

    You guys aren't teamplayers beyond your clan. Thats your downfall. There have been instances where you've created a squad, only to leave when an outsider of your clan joins up. Pathetic. You dont lead or follow... you just show how centered you are on SELF rather than TEAM.

    You play to get points... you play to get unlocks... you play to get rank... You don't play to be a team. Hence the name.. Texas ...TeamPlayers..., not Texas ...PointMakers..., Texas ...RankMakers...

    We have resident clans here who strive to push teamwork to the limit. Many compliments have been made towards their style of play and their acceptance of players outside their tags. They are true Texas ...Teamplayers... and so they stay here. You aren't.... so Good Riddance.

  9. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Guess who got banned? Guess who got banned? Guess who got banned?
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    RE: Guess who got banned?

    making excuses about lesser clanmates, making them analagous to drunk sisters and uncles......are excuses we are not willing to accept.

    If you are willing to tolerate "bad members" of your clan, that's your problem. Not ours. You know they are an issue, yet you are willing to allow them to remain in your clan. So, face the consequences.

    What evidence do we have about such members of your clan? That's not hard to find....

    Quote Originally Posted by Lieutenant General |SI|SERIALBUTCHER
    If you were tired of getting "pwned", you could have just asked us not to come back, & we would have gladly obliged, putting bans on our record was just vindictive, & indicitive of your low class, standards, morals, & "sexual orientation"

    btw you can stick your "statistical analysis" up your collective asses

    ps. Still wanna "face off" in a 10v10? We would "mop the floor" w/ you losers

    After all your posturing you guys are nothing but common "low life" stat padders who ban serious competition from your server


    later n00bs
    sexual orientation? up our collective asses? Challenging the admins of TTP, a multi-clan, multi-game, 1000 member community to a "10 v 10" match simply shows your ignorance to the facts. TTP isn't a clan, it isn't run by a clan, it isn't owned by a clan, and it doesn't compete.

    Quote Originally Posted by same chump
    Trust me when I say this, there is absolutely NOTHING special about your server
    There most certainly is. It's teh server that takes a stand, and makes it very clear. Yes, there's 1000's of other servers out there. BUT, there's 100,000's of other players. We don't need you, we won't tolerate you, and we certainly won't force our regulars, residents, and passers-by to deal with your clan's attitude, horrible influence on gamers opinions of servers, and overall lack of civility when it comes to gaming with others.

    TTP is a special place because we kick fucks like you out of town. Whether it's a 2 member clan, or 50+ of them..........SI, and any clan that wishes to front themselves as e-thug, internet tough guys can take their punk asses the fuck off our property, and off to whatever server IS willing to tolerate you.

    In doing so, you do TTP a favor. You stink up other community servers so much that their regulars seek out a new home.

    TTP is that home.

    so fuck off.


    [size=24px]All members of SI are to be banned on sight, immediately, without warning or negotiation. Period.[/size]
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    3rd-graders plotted teacher attack

    Cops: 3rd-graders plotted teacher attack - Yahoo! News

    WAYCROSS, Ga. - A group of children ages 8 to 10 apparently were mad at their teacher because she had scolded one of them for standing on a chair, authorities say.

    That led the third-graders, as many as nine boys and girls, to plot an attack on the teacher at Center Elementary School in south Georgia.

    Police Chief Tony Tanner said the students apparently planned to knock the teacher unconscious with a glass paperweight, bind her with handcuffs and duct tape and then stab her with a broken steak knife.

    The scheme involved a division of roles, Tanner said. One child's job was to cover windows so no one could see outside, and another was supposed to clean up after the attack.

    "We're not sure at this point in the investigation how many of the students actually knew the intent was to hurt the teacher," Tanner said.

    School officials had alerted police Friday after a pupil tipped off a teacher that a girl had taken a weapon to school.

    Tanner said the teacher told detectives the children weren't known as troublemakers.

    "You can't dismiss it," Tanner said. "But because they are kids, they may have thought this was like a cartoon ? we do whatever and then she stands up and she's OK. That's a hard call."

    The purported target teaches third-grade students with learning disabilities, including attention deficit disorder, delayed development and hyperactivity, friends and parents said.

    Two of the students were arrested on juvenile charges Tuesday and a third arrest was expected. District Attorney Rick Currie said other students told investigators they didn't take the plot seriously or insisted they had decided not to participate.

    "Some of the kids said, `We thought they were just kidding,'" Currie said. "Another child was supposed to bring a toy pistol, and he told a detective he didn't bring it because he thought he would get in trouble."

    Currie said the children are too young to be charged as adults, and probably too young to be sentenced to a youth detention center.

    "We did not hear anybody say they intended to kill her, but could they have accidentally killed her? Absolutely," Tanner said. "We feel like if they weren't interrupted, there would have been an attempt. Would they have been successful? We don't know."

    Currie said he decided to seek juvenile charges against two girls, ages 9 and 10, who brought the knife and paperweight and an 8-year-old boy who brought tape. He said they face charges of conspiracy to commit aggravated assault, and both girls are being charged with taking weapons to school.

    Nine children have been given discipline up to and including long-term suspension, said Theresa Martin, spokeswoman for the Ware County school system. She would not be more specific but said none of the children had been back to school since the case came to light.

    School system policy says any student who brings "anything reasonably considered to be a weapon" is to be expelled for at least the remainder of the school year.

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