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Thread: Clan Unban Request

  1. Site Banned.
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    Clan Unban Request

    RE: this thread

    I am the leader of XLVIII (aka =O48=), while trying to organize a friendly inter clan scrim match Dex71 posted a link to a unban request from slayer, a member of XLVIII, when i asked why the scrim thread was being hijacked, he posted that several of the forty eights members were banned and told me to post a unban request. First off let me say that Dex should have just came strait out and said there was an issue rather than posting "We looked forward to hearing from you guys too......." and a link to a unban request. If there are issues with some of my guys Dex also should have let me know who and for what as posting a unban request is kinda hard when i have no information on who (other than slayer) and why they were banned.


    #1. Why do you think you got banned?

    I'm sorry but i have no information on why any of my members were banned, if you can give me a list of players and the issues you have had with them, I will then speak to the parties involved and if found necessary, will take what ever action I or the other clan founders deem appropriate. From what i can tell from reading slayers unban request and this is only a guess, he was banned for cheating of some sort. If this is the case I would really like to see some kind of evidence so I can deal with it. However i believe him to be legit and seeing as he only has one cd key / guid and its 100% clean and all his SS i'v looked at show as clean, i find it highly unlikely that you have any tangible proof. (I hope this is not a hear say he's to good he must be cheating ban.)

    #2. What server were you on? What admin do you believe banned you? What admins were there playing?

    Battlefield 2 servers, As I was not playing, i have no information on the admins.

    #3 Why should you be unbanned?

    Well i should be unbanned because i have had nothing to do with the issues you have had with members of my clan, as for the rest of the clan it seams a little harsh to clan ban all of the forty eight for the actions of one or two of its members. I'd also point out that we are actually good dudes, not that that's a good reason to unban someone. But at the moment that's the only real reason i can offer you as i have no information on what the bans are for.

    #4. A written statement that you will refrain from doing anything that will get you banned again.

    I will go over TPG's server rules with the guys at our next scrim meeting and practice should you decide to lift this ban. That's about the best i can do without any information from you guys.

    #5. Failure to address all of the above questions clearly will result in your post being locked and/or your unban request to go unprocessed. If you don't care, we don't care.

    I have tried to answer all the above questions as fully as possible.

    #6. If your ban is sustained (upheld by the voting admins), you will have to wait at least 30 days before any additional request to be "unbanned" can be accepted.

    Serious a vote? OK for disrespect i can see having a vote.

    As for having a scrim, this has really put a sour taste in my mouth, i had no idea there was any kind of problem with us and TPG and as such i think its unlikely that we will be able to get a match going with you now :( For clans to scrim it requires them to be on good terms and the way Dex hijacked the post and then required me to justify my request to scrim against you guys without providing any details i feel was inappropriate, not saying that if there are issues that need to be worked out, we should not try and work them out. But just posting half a sentence with a link seams to me to be more like trying to create an issue rather than solving one. Im not trying to be a dick about it either or get an apology out of Dex, just maybe think a little more about what you post before you hit reply.

    All i wanted was to organize a friendly scrim match and all i have gotten is drama and typing :(

    Last edited by 90ProofSanta; 09-05-11 at 11:11 AM. Reason: add link

  2. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Re: Clan Unban Request

    Thank you for posting in the proper place and format.

    We had some problems with a few of your guys about a month ago. Teamkilling for assets (jets) and generally disrupting our server. They followed up their asshattery by hacking in some server messages as well, then tried to tell us they were pbbans admins.
    0 =O48= C}{0Pp3|2_|2e][|) 2 Global [18:13:06] not a server hack stupid
    2 =O48= 5|oW|)e@7[]-[] 2 Global [18:13:14] pb bans admin lol
    Admin None ServerMessage [18:12:05] §c1001|PBBHub|§c1001 §3 Dr.§3§c1001Chopper§c1001 prescribes that you §3§c1001Harden The Fuck Up!!§c1001

    When we have a group of guys come in and cause problems, we remove them. All of them.

  3. Site Banned.
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    Re: Clan Unban Request

    I just spoke to colby and he said that madbommer and slowdeath were on and maybe grunt and maybe a few others, other than colby the other guys were all kicked out of the clan in less than a week for breaking our rules and the rules on are friends servers that we play on. If these are the guys you were having a problem with they are no longer members of our clan. We dont put up with whiners and rage quiters at O48.

    Post from our forums dated Aug 11 (sorry about the language in the post, its from the private section in our forums so i cant just link it) --->

    Also if your playing with other O48 members, for f**k sake squad up!! This is not a clan for clicks and rage quiters. If your part of this clan act like it or you will find yourself hardening the f**k up real fast! why would you leave our servers to go play on a some other clan server with less people. You cant expect to always kick ass every round. Fact is i'm better than you and i will kick your ass, if not me another O48 member will step up and open a can on you, that's how it is. If you don't like it Spec-ops and Bad are always recruiting. If your up in a heli and go 17-1 and i say i'v had enough of being killed by you and get in a heli, crying that im being lame or cheap cause i killed you is just BS, whats the clan motto? Thats right HARDEN THE F**K UP!!
    Last edited by 90ProofSanta; 09-05-11 at 12:23 PM.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Steam ID: dex71

    Re: Clan Unban Request

    I'd like to hear a little more about the server messages that were being put up. The teamkilling and general asshattery we can get through, but the server messages, and the way they were displayed, were what earned your guys the bans. Using the custom scripts, and impersonating an admin on our servers is absolutely unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

  5. Site Banned.
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    Re: Clan Unban Request

    ok, 1, 5|oW|)e@7[]-[] (slowdeath) kicked out of clan already for being an asshat, running his mouth, not respect the servers we play on and being a rage quitter.

    2) Admin None ServerMessage [18:12:05] §c1001|PBBHub|§c1001 §3 Dr.§3§c1001Chopper§c1001 prescribes that you §3§c1001Harden The Fuck Up!!§c1001

    this is a PB HUB message, anyone with PB streaming access can add a personalized message that PB will display on logging into a server that has "TURNED ON" displaying of pbhub messages. It is important to note that this is an option your server admins had to enable as its off by default. Seeing that message means you have enabled it in your pb config. It is in no way a hack. If you dont wish to see the PB greeting messages i would suggest you have that option turned back off. Ok chopper's login message is a bit on the rude side, but other than telling you its "not a hack stupid" i doubt he said anything else disrespectful to you. I suspect if there was TKing and asshatery going on it will have been slowdeath, bomber, grunt ect who as i already post were kicked out of the clan already for doing just what your complaining about.

    3) Chopper is / was a PB Streaming admin

    Unless you have further issues, i hope that having already removed those members from our presence will be satisfactory enough for you to lift the clan ban on XLVIII.
    Last edited by 90ProofSanta; 09-05-11 at 12:30 PM.

  6. Site Banned.
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    Re: Clan Unban Request

    Has this thread stalled? Are you guys voting or something? Can we get an update?

  7. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: Clan Unban Request

    Quote Originally Posted by 90ProofSanta View Post
    Has this thread stalled? Are you guys voting or something? Can we get an update?
    given your initial post to us was filled with passive aggressive douche bag "well, it wasn't me, so I don't know but ...blah blah blah..." stuff like:
    I hope this is not a hear say he's to good he must be cheating ban
    Serious a vote?....

    As for having a scrim, this has really put a sour taste in my mouth, i had no idea there was any kind of problem with us and TPG and as such i think its unlikely that we will be able to get a match going with you now
    A sour taste in your mouth?

    how's this: We'll deal with you and your bullshit clan (where you admittedly had to ban/kickout two of the members that were causing issues on our servers) when we get to it. You are not a priority any more than any other ban in this forum. In fact, you are even less of a priority because of your bullshit attitude.

    Your clan has problems, we ban those problems, you then kick out those problems, and you then blame us for "putting a sour taste in your mouth"?

    Im not trying to be a dick about it either or get an apology out of Dex, just maybe think a little more about what you post before you hit reply.
    think about it?

    fuck your clan, and your scrim. The first thing you should have said was "that's right, TPG, those guys were douches, and we kicked them out. My apologies for the trouble. We request to be unbanned by whatever procedure you see fit."

    But you didn't.

    So....sit. And wait.
    Last edited by ...bigdog...; 09-06-11 at 11:11 PM.

  8. Site Banned.
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    Re: Clan Unban Request

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    Your clan has problems, we ban those problems, you then kick out those problems, and you then blame us for "putting a sour taste in your mouth"?
    The sour taste was the way dex went about hijacking the post. I love how you quote half a sentence and call me passive aggressive, well ....

    Notice how i kept the language clean in all my post and was polite? I even edit the post i quoted from our site as not to offend you or your members as i did not know if you have children who visit your forums. You fly off the handle, start raging and swearing at me like i just banged your wife or something, although judging by your language and attitude i doubt you have one or pubic hair.

    Hows that for passive aggressive?

    After dex first post i got the impression he was a bit of a douch, but after we got some dialog going i came to the conclusion that hes actually a fair and chill dude and just did not explain the situation well in his first post. As for you bigdog, grow 'the fuck' up

    All i asked was for a update on whats going on.

  9. Site Banned.
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    Re: Clan Unban Request

    Damn, this is getting way out of hand here. We understand completely that the three or four guys were causing an issue. All have been removed from our clan. We are sorry for anything they have done, or any disrespect they displayed. But they have been handled.

    The message scrolling in, any of you that are streaming PB Admins can set up a personal message that will scroll to any server you join that runs PB Hub, AND allows personal messages to be displayed. It is in no way a server hack.

    The =O48= has been attacked many times for, well, being good at some things. We study the game, we play well as a team, and some of the guys are among the best in the air. Many times some members have been banned just for being too good. I'm honestly not trying to brag, it happens to some of our members quite often. 3 clans even came right out and said they have a clan ban on us because their members rage quit when we come in and stop playing so they made the choice to remove us since they don't enjoy playing against us cause we are too good for them. We are disapointed with those decisions, but it's theirs to make. We do NOT support the actions of the *PHX* guys, (the clan they were in, and have formed again since being removed from =O48=), and if you feel they warrented a ban...Honestly, we're not in the least suprised they acted as they did.

    We simply wanted to organize a friendly scrim, and get things going on that front. Santa was not intending to be passive aggressive. There's a difference in how things come across in the internet world, and how they were intended. So far, the only one acting out like Santa is being acused of is BigDog. How he, (Santa), said things was simply trying to say he had no idea who all was involved cause he was not there, and that he didn't know the circumstances behind the whole ordeal. To be honest, part of it is defending your clan, which any of you would do, until you know the circumstances. We're not asking to be moved to the top of the list, Simply if there is a time frame or a rough idea when we could hear something. AND if there is still a chance at a scrim. That's it.

  10. Site Banned.
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    Re: Clan Unban Request

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    The first thing you should have said was "that's right, TPG, those guys were douches, and we kicked them out. My apologies for the trouble. We request to be unbanned by whatever procedure you see fit."

    But you didn't.
    I said right off the bat that i did not know who was involved and what they had done, how could i have apologize for there actions when i dont know who they are and what had happened?

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